What’s up with the Rising Infertility rates?
More often than most people realize, infertility is a common condition. For instance, the unfortunate reality of infertility will be experienced by one in seven couples who will attempt to conceive. In fact, according to recent studies, 15% of couples are unable to conceive after a year of unprotected sex. Twenty or thirty years ago, the situation was entirely different. There’s a prediction that infertility rates will rise in the near future. Almost 10 million couples will struggle to conceive by 2025. Let’s now examine the causes of the rise in infertility, some of which are linked to the social changes that our society is experiencing.
Long back, most women would conceive first at the age of 21. Today, women are hardly convinced to have a baby at even 27 years of age. Most of them are not ready to start their families. They give priority to education, career, freedom & fun. The fact is very common & seen that more number of divorces & remarriages happen too.
Well-known physician Lindheim claims that individuals who put off having children may be more vulnerable to STIs and environmental pollutants. Furthermore, there’s a higher chance of health issues with older partners. This may also worsen infertility.
But having said that if you consult the best IVF doctor in Mumbai then there are higher chances of your IVF success. Infertility treatment is challenging and not everyone can get good results from that. To achieve positive results, one needs to visit the best IVF Centre in Mumbai.
Get our Ivf treatment in Powai
With 2987+ babies, 12+ years of successful journey, 600+ successful healing in a year & high success rate DR L H Hiranandani hospital is ranked among the top IVF centre in Mumbai.
Best IVF hospital in Mumbai
DR L H Hiranandani’s IVF center in Mumbai offers complete infertility services along with sympathetic support and guidance. Our cutting-edge technologies significantly increase your likelihood of becoming pregnant. Additionally, we consistently receive positive feedback from our patients and have exceptional success rates, making us the best IVF center in Mumbai.
With the newest technology available, our state-of-the-art laboratory guarantees the highest success rates for assisted reproductive procedures. Our hospital’s kind and experienced staff is committed to supporting and understanding you during every stage of your fertility journey.
About The
The Centre for Human Reproduction, popularly known as the IVF Department, is located on the 3rd floor of the Hospital. It is a spacious, secluded department spread over an area of over 2500 sq. ft. The department has a separate OPD waiting area with USG and IUI rooms and a modern operation theatre with state-of-the-art Andrology and ICSI laboratories. The Operation theatre and laboratories are equipped with the best equipment to fulfill all the requirements of a Centre par excellence, comparable to any other in the world. The main advantage of our Genre is that all the facilities from investigation to all modalities of treatment are available under one roof.
We, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, ranked as the best IVF hospital in Mumbai is in recognition of its commitment to excellence in patient care & have set up a Centre for Human Reproduction offering you all facilities under one roof enabling you to complete your family – making us truly “Your Family Superspeciality Hospital”.

Achieving parenthood is the greatest blessing and one of the most joyous experiences of life.
Around 15% of couples find it difficult to conceive naturally.
At our Centre for Human Reproduction, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai we guide you through your journey with as few interventions as possible.
Increasing age of marriage, career aspirations, postponing childbearing, nuclear families with the freedom to eat out at will. (fast food, junk food), stress, smoking, alcohol, the environment in general with its pollution and low food quality, etc. have taken a toll on fertility. We follow an individualized approach for understanding the root cause of infertility and creating tailor-made infertility treatment solutions.
Entering our Infertility Centre does not necessarily mean we advise Test Tube Baby treatment. There is much more to infertility treatment. Sometimes only lifestyle and stress management works. Sometimes medical treatment for improving egg and sperm quality works. Occasionally just the removal of polyps or fibroids is helpful and the patient gets pregnant without further intervention.
If further treatment is required, our center provides everything, from the most simple treatments like IUI to treatments like IVF/ICSI, advanced treatment like PICSI, laser-assisted hatching, blastocyst transfer, PRP, and GCSF treatment for the thin lining to donor egg program and surrogacy, all under one roof.
We also focus on lifestyle and stress management before any further advanced treatments.
At The Centre for Human Reproduction, Dr. L. H Hiranandani Hospital, we believe in taking a holistic approach with a personal touch for infertility treatment. We are committed to providing you, with the most advanced medical treatment available, offered in an empathetic and caring environment. Our team includes doctors, embryologists, and nurses, all experts in their areas of specialization. We provide the best quality, individualized, compassionate fertility care.
Facilities Available At
IVF Centre in Powai
We help you – by providing these facilities under one roof.
- Blood tests including hormonal profile
- X- ray (HSG) for tubal assessment
- Ultrasound (TVS)
- Doppler (Sub endometrial blood flow)
- Endoscopy (laparoscopy / hysteroscopy)
- Semen Analysis
- Ovulation induction
- Intra uterine insemination, AIH, Donor IUI
- InVitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Testicular Aspiration & Biopsy (PESA, TESA, TESE, Micro TESE)
- Physiological Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (PICSI)
- Embryo Cryopreservation / Egg Cryopreservation for future pregnancy
- PRP of Ovary
- Preimplantation Genetic Screening(PGS)/ Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis(PGD)
- Donor Oocyte program
- Surrogacy

IVF Centre Achievement
Best IVF center in Mumbai
Being the best IVF hospital in Mumbai, we have had the privilege since the inception of treating over 10,000 couples with conception-related issues. We have guided them to conceive naturally by correcting minor medical issues. For those who required assistance with artificial reproductive techniques, we have assisted them too.
Of the 10,000 and more cases we have achieved an overall pregnancy rate of 50 percent and a take-home baby rate of over 40 percent. This includes all modalities of treatment.
IVF Success Story:- best ivf hospital in mumbai
IVF Treatment in Mumbai
A 42-year-old patient with a thin endometrium (less than 7mm) and poor ovarian reserve who already had one failed cycle of IVF came to us for further treatment. The treatment given: Medicines to improve the egg quality were given for 12 weeks before the IVF procedure. IVF was done and embryos were frozen. Hysteroscopic Metro plasty was done to correct the endometrial cavity. In the next cycle, estradiol valerate tablets were started for embryo transfer. In spite of the successive increases in the dose of estradiol valerate, when her lining did not grow beyond 7.5 mm Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) was inserted in the uterine cavity. The embryo transfer was done 3 days after the PRP and patient had a healthy pregnancy and delivery.