Management of a Challenging Case of Infertility

Overview of the Case A couple from Ghatkopar came to us with complaints of inability to conceive. They were a young couple both aged 30 years, married for 5 years and were trying to conceive for the past 2 years. They had no other presenting complaints. They had no history of addictions or of any major medical/surgical illness in the…

Modern approach to Male Sub-fertility

Male factor is a sole causative factor of infertility in about 30% of infertile couples, whereas in additional 20% of cases male as well as female causative factors are identified. Therefore, male factor is at least partly responsible for difficulties in conception in approximately 50% of these couples. Semen analysis is the most basic and important test to be performed…

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Fertility

In the last few decades, the incidence of infertility is rising. Changing times and complicated lifestyle patterns take a toll on the delicate human organs and their functioning. Lifestyle & stress is emerging as one of the most important co factors for infertility. Our lifestyle, our goals, our recreation patterns are diametrically opposite to our forefathers. Increasing age of marriage,…

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