In the last few decades, the incidence of infertility is rising. Changing times and complicated lifestyle patterns take a toll on the delicate human organs and their functioning.
Lifestyle & stress is emerging as one of the most important co factors for infertility.
Our lifestyle, our goals, our recreation patterns are diametrically opposite to our forefathers. Increasing age of marriage, career aspirations, postponing childbearing, nuclear families with freedom to eat out at will. (Fast food, junk food), stress, smoking, alcohol etc. have taken a toll on fertility.
Conditions like premature ovarian failure, infertility due to polycystic ovarian syndrome, age related disorders like endometriosis, fibroids and male infertility problems are all lifestyles and age related. It is not that these disorders were non existent previously and have suddenly cropped up their heads. It is just that our forefathers used to finish their childbearing before these disorders have set in.
Also a better and healthier lifestyle used to keep these disorders in check rather than worsen. E.g. PCOS is a genetic tendency. It can be controlled not cured by keeping your weight under check. Today’s lifestyle incorporates a lot of stress, irregular working hours, irregular sleep patterns and eating habits.
Therapy of many of the causes of infertility includes lifestyle management comprising of diet and exercise as well as addressing issues of stress management, alcohol consumption, smoking etc.
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