The Role of Stress in Fertility: Relaxation Techniques

Overview Life can be a whirlwind of emotions and challenges, and often, stress becomes an unwanted companion on this journey. Stress can have a big impact on reproductive health, influencing fertility in ways we might not even be aware of. This article delves into the intricate relationship between stress and fertility, unveiling the impact it has on our reproductive well-being.…

IUI Procedure, Success Rates and Cost in India

Overview Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, is a form of artificial insemination. During ovulation, washed and concentrated sperm are directly inserted into your uterus. This facilitates healthy sperm’s proximity to the egg upon its release from your ovaries. It’s a typical fertility procedure for couples or single people who want to get pregnant. In this article we will discuss the IUI…

Do’s and Don’ts After IUI Treatment

Overview Many couples in Mumbai are struggling with infertility. The best IVF center in Mumbai might be an ideal starting point for such couples. You may need to take extra precautions for successful IUI therapy. Your infertility specialist will advise you on how to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. We’ve discussed several actions you can take to…

Tips to Prepare Yourself for ICSI Treatment

Overview Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is known as ICSI. ICSI treatment is an additional stage and specialized form of IVF treatment. Usually, this procedure is performed to treat male-factor infertility.  ICSI therapy indications For couples or people with the following reproductive health concerns, the ICSI treatment is advised: Sperm count is low  Sperm with poor morphology  Sperm motility issues  A failed…

How Does Sperm Morphology (Shape) Affect Fertility?

Overview At our IVF Center Mumbai a fertility specialist will examine both partners if a couple is having problems getting pregnant or having a successful pregnancy. They will examine both males’ and females’ overall health as well as the reproductive organs. When it comes to the male partner, sperm morphology is critical for a successful pregnancy, whether it is spontaneous…

Beyond IVF: Other Fertility Treatments and Options for Building a Family

Overview Patients at new fertility clinics are eager to start families. The experts in the Best IVF hospital in Mumbai suggest some treatments other than IVF to patients who don’t want to go for IVF. While some people hope to avoid IVF, others want to start as soon as possible. These latter patients, on the other hand, may be unaware…

How to Improve Your Sperm Quality for IVF

  Overview Infertility is becoming more common around the world, affecting one out of every six couples. Three of them have been linked to male infertility. Infertility in men can be caused by a variety of factors, one of which is sperm count and quality. A typical male has a sperm count of 15 million per milliliter, and anything less…

Sperm Quality and Its Effect on IVF Success

  Overview When a couple experiences fertility problems, they will consult with a fertility specialist at our Best IVF center in Mumbai and choose a fertility treatment. IVF/ ICSI is the most commonly used fertility treatment. Both the sperm and the egg are extracted, fertilized, and incubated in a laboratory before being transferred into the uterus after embryo formation. Both…

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Procedure

  Overview Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may result in a successful pregnancy for persons who are infertile. This form of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is particularly beneficial in cases of male infertility. To aid fertilization, our doctor at the Best IVF Center Mumbai injects sperm into an egg. Pregnancy may occur following an embryo transfer.   What is ICSI? ICSI…

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