The Difference Between IUI and IVF: Procedure and Success Rates



Pregnancy isn’t always as simple as you may think. For many couples, conceiving requires more effort and medical assistance. This is where IUI and IVF come into play. The experts at the best IVF center in Mumbai, discuss each of these treatments, including what they entail, who they are appropriate for, and how to determine where to begin.
IUI and IVF are two types of artificial fertility therapies that can help you get pregnant when nature isn’t cooperating. Sperm is put straight into your uterus during IUI. IVF is a multi-step reproductive technique that includes egg stimulation, retrieval, laboratory fertilization, and transfer.


What is IUI?

IUI is a simple outpatient technique that inserts sperm into the uterine cavity after it has been collected from the partner and treated in the laboratory. The laboratory’s “washing” of sperm eliminates seminal fluid (which might cause severe cramping) and concentrates the sperm. By inserting the sperm higher into the uterine cavity, the cervix is bypassed, making the passage to the fallopian tubes significantly shorter. The goal is to improve the likelihood that more sperm will come into contact with the egg.
IUI is frequently the first step in fertility treatment for many patients, and it can be an excellent option for those suffering from PCOS, anovulation, cervical mucus problems, or sperm health issues; single mothers by choice; and patients suffering from unexplained infertility.


What is IVF?

IVF is a sort of assisted reproductive technology (ART) in which sperm and an egg are fertilized outside of the human body. IVF is a complicated procedure that entails extracting eggs from ovaries and manually mixing them with sperm in a facility for conception. The fertilized egg (now called an embryo) is implanted inside a uterus several days after fertilization. When this embryo inserts itself into the uterine wall, pregnancy begins.


The Process of IUI & IVF at the Best IVF Hospital in Mumbai

IUI and IVF cycle both last for roughly two weeks, however, an IVF cycle requires more work than an IUI cycle does.

The IUI Process

An IUI cycle, like most fertility treatments, begins on the second/third day of your periods. Your doctor will then use bloodwork and ultrasound to monitor your menstrual cycle for 12-14 days to ensure that an egg is maturing properly for ovulation. Ovulation occurs when a mature egg leaves the ovary and begins its journey down the fallopian tubes, where it can be fertilized in an attempt to achieve pregnancy.
The actual IUI, which usually takes place on the day of ovulation (either just before or just after ovulation), is the cycle’s conclusion. This monitoring comes before it. The first step in the IUI procedure is for a male partner or sperm donor to provide a sample of sperm. The sample is “washed,” which refers to the procedure of separating healthy sperm from the rest of the seminal fluid in order to maximize the chances of conception. Lastly, the sperm sample is deposited into the uterus via a tiny catheter, and fertilization is allowed to occur naturally—the sperm swim toward the egg and, hopefully, penetrate the egg.


The IVF Process

A female patient will be put on a course of injectable, ovary-stimulating drugs to encourage her body to generate numerous eggs in one cycle as IVF is most successful when doctors can attempt fertilization on a higher number of eggs. These drugs are administered for 8-12 days, and the patient is evaluated with ultrasounds and bloodwork to check that the medication is acting appropriately.


The Success Rates for IUI & IVF

While IVF is more expensive than IUI, it may be worth it for some patients because IVF has a far greater success rate.
The chances of success for any individual patient will be determined by their specific cause for subfertility, as well as their individual patient medical history and age. However, we may compare broad statistics.

IUI success rates vary according to the age of the female patient.

  • Ages Under 35 – 15-18%
  • Ages 35–37 – 13-15%
  • Ages 38–40 – 10-12%
  • Ages Over 40 – <10%


IVF has a higher success rate. According to general data,

  • Ages Under 35 – 46.7%
  • Ages 35 to 37 – 34.2%
  • Ages 38 to 40 – 21.6%
  • Ages 41 to 42 – 10.6%
  • Ages 43 and up – 3.2%

Must read: IVF Success Rates: Factors That Affect Your Chances of Conceiving

The choice to use IUI or IVF is frequently decided in partnership with the patient(s) and their doctor. The patients’ diagnosis, age, budget, insurance coverage, and personal preferences may all play a role in the decision. A couple in their early 30s, for example, with unexplained infertility and no clear barriers to pregnancy is likely to begin with IUI. If a woman’s fallopian tubes are obstructed, knotted, or nonexistent, she should begin with IVF, which bypasses the tubes.
A visit with our IVF Center Mumbai at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital is the best method to determine which treatment is best for you—IUI vs. IVF. Contact us to set up a consultation.

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